Sunday, September 25, 2016

Intuitive Playground: Spirit Guides and Past Lives

October Class Feature 

Intuitive Playground: Spirit Guides and Past Lives

Saturday, October 22

In the first half of this Playground you will meet and work with your Spirit Guides through a relaxed guided meditation. We all have a spiritual team that is loving, guiding, and supporting us in life. Your Spirit Guides are often loved ones in the non-physical realm, spiritual teachers, Ascended Masters, Angels, and your Higher Self or Soul. Learn how this team communicates with you—and how to assess when the guidance is real and trustworthy.

After a lunch break, you will be guided through the process of exploring one or more past lives. This guided past life journey can reveal “themes” which often provide insights into what we are here to learn in the present—and can help facilitate the release of old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve us. Lisa will offer intuitive insights for each participant. No experience is required. Come with a loving heart and an open mind.

Instructor: Lisa Holm. Intuitive guide, medium and teacher, Lisa has been empowering clients across the U.S. and internationally through classes, clairvoyant counseling, intuitive readings, mediumship, animal communication and spiritual healing since 2002. Lisa has studied with medical intuitive Tina Zion, Hay House author and psychic medium John Holland, and the Church of Religious Science. Lisa also teaches Intuitive Development, Animal Communication, and Mediumship Mentoring. Website:

Cost: $44
To register call Lisa Holm at 360-786-8617 or email Lisa
Class will be held at Radiance Herbs & Massage.