Wednesday, March 1, 2017

March Class Feature - Consensual Pizza

Consensual Pizza

Wednesday, March 29

Pizza Party & Consent Workshop! This class will offer an introduction to boundaries, consent language, and the responsibilities of intimacy for male-identified teens aged 13-18.

This is a fun, non-confrontational workshop utilizing the popular consent analogies of “making tea” and “ordering pizza.” Real talk; subjects may be graphic and include issues around sexuality, substance use, and assault.

Class fee helps fund a Feminine Empowerment workshop also offered through Radiance this spring. There really will be pizza, so if you have any food sensitivities, please email Audrey Daye at once you've registered.

Instructors: Audrey and Alex Daye, Jackie Pleus. Audrey and Alex staff youth empowerment programming together every summer, are both trained in mediation and childhood education, and are raising two boys. Alex teaches martial arts professionally. Jackie is a peer-educator in co-counseling and non-violent communication and has been a camp counselor at a number of camps in Thurston County.

Cost: $30
To register, call Radiance at 360-357-5250
Class to be held at Radiance Herbs & Massage

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