Tuesday, March 14, 2017

April Class Feature - Shamanism 101

Shamanism 101

Tuesday, April 11

What is shamanism? What is it to be a shaman? There will be a discussion about shamanism versus being a shaman. Topics to be included: sacred places, vision quests, ‘magical power’, calling, shamanic tools, altars, and ways to connect with the divine living world.

Bring your questions and experiences to this lively hour and a half question and answer format that will allow one to begin to see what it means to be a shaman. Discussion will explore the weekend workshop shamanic phenomenon, and how this fits into our secular society. We will have an opportunity to look deeper at the role of shamans in traditional and modern society, and the commitment and sacrifices entailed.

Instructor: Peter Brown. Peter is an initiated Marakame (One Who Knows) in the Huichol tradition and crowned Granicero (Weather Worker) in the Nahua tradition of Mexico. Peter has a healing practice in Olympia and maintains relationship through travels several times a year for pilgrimage and to sit with his elders.

Cost: $10
To register, contact Peter Brown, peter@petrbrownhealing.com
Class to be held at Radiance Herbs & Massage

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