Wednesday, September 20, 2017

October Class Feature - So, You Think You're a Witch?

So, You Think You're a Witch?

Wednesdays: October 18 & 25; November 1

Are you seeking a deeper connection to earth-based religions? Would you like to develop a personal spiritual practice? Would you like to meet others who are interested in the same?

This three-part series provides a basic introduction to witchcraft and modern pagan practices. During the first session, we’ll discuss a brief history of witchcraft and the many possible ‘paths’ to practice. In the second session, we’ll discuss altars and their place in your practice. You will leave with the tools and understanding to create a home altar that is unique to you. In the third class, we’ll discuss daily, weekly, and seasonal practices to maintain interest and faith in your chosen path. Please bring a journal to take notes.

Instructor: Karin Olsen, LMP. Karin is the co-owner of Radiance Herbs & Massage. She has been a licensed massage therapist for more than 20 years and she loves to share her knowledge about natural living and magick.

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