Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Great Chocolate Almonds, but be careful! They are addictive!

Chocolate Cartel serves up some amazing chocolate covered almonds!
It's a great choice for Valentine's Day!

"Exceptional chocolates only begin with quality ingredients. There's absolutely no substitute for premium chocolate. The Venezuelan criollo cacao makes up less than 10% of the cocoa beans used worldwide. The yield from the cacao tree is small but the dark cherry roasted flavor makes criollo stand alone as the best.
We use "El Rey" Venezuelan chocolate in our blend for its superior quality, commitment to fair trade, and organic farming practices. With mild spices, our pure dark chocolate couverture defines excellence in chocolate.
Every step for each of the amazing chocolates we create is conducted with the carefully skilled hands of a master chocolatier. Few chocolatiers put as much focus and effort into producing complete chocolate perfection."

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