Friday, September 4, 2015

Learn the Tarot

Join in a fascinating exploration of consciousness using the ancient oracle of the Tarot. Develop your personal relationship to the cards; learn how to interpret the images and symbols that are the language of the unconscious. This is a wonderful and fun opportunity to develop, exercise and strengthen your intuition. No previous knowledge of the Tarot is necessary; however, all students must come with their own deck.
Class 1: Participants will learn variations of a simple three-card spread to begin their practice, and be introduced to the basics of reading the cards for self. We'll discuss the energetic flow of the cards, and the archetypes of the Major Arcana.
Class 2: We'll examine the four suits and numbers of the cards of the Minor Arcana and do a reading for self.
Class 3: We'll discuss the Court cards and do a reading for another.

Instructor: Pamela Norris. Pamela has been studying, practicing and teaching the Tarot for 30+ years. She is available for group and private sessions.
Saturdays: September 19, October 3 & 10
Cost: $120 for the 3-class series, payable at the first meeting.
To register: Contact Pamela Norris,, 360-790-1425.
Class will be held at Radiance Herbs & Massage.

1 comment:

Bren + Lucy said...

Amazing Pamela, I am following your progress thanks for sharing