Saturday, May 23, 2009

Memorial Day

We will be closed Monday, May 25th, in observance of Memorial Day.

We will reopen Tuesday, May 26th, at 10 a.m.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Learn to Age Gracefully

Gracefully Aging with
Facial Gymnastics

Thursday, May 28

Our face mirrors the rhythms and activities of our life and tells a wonderful story. In this class learn how to actively strengthen and train your facial muscles to achieve their best possible condition. This active care of the face can lead to:
• The stimulation of lymph flow
• The enhancement of circulation
• The vitalization of all tissue
• Firming and rejuvenation
By keeping our skin taut and facial muscles toned, we can slow and soften the age-dependent loss of firmness in a more natural way. Simple and effective short exercises will be demonstrated and experienced. Taught by Kerri Ward Merrill, licensed holistic esthetician.

Cost: $25
To register: Call Radiance at 360-357-5250

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Pendants from K Robins Designs

K Robins has devoted her life to the language and deeper meanings of symbols. To the artist, symbolic jewelry is “a collection of iconographic imagery whose origins reside in our history and in our hearts.” Many of Robins’ designs focus on women’s spirituality and the sacred feminine. Robins’ designs celebrate all of life’s stages — birth, life, death, and rebirth. Her designs are divided into five themes: Sacred Symbols; Goddesses, Mothers, and Daughters; Yoga and Meditation; Celtic Lore; and Nature. Each collection includes numerous individual designs, all available in sterling silver and many in 14-carat gold by special order. Each pendant comes on a card with a descriptive story or poem evoked by the design and a black satin cord.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Class on Saturday

Our Healing Hands

Saturday, May 16

Experience the immediate and direct benefit of self-healing. While going to a practitioner for help is great, there are times when it’s just not convenient. Learn simple and empowering ways of undoing interferences using your hands. Anyone can do it!
Kim Lincoln facilitates individuals to recognize and appreciate their essential nature; our source of healing. She has a private practice and teaches classes at Fusion in downtown Olympia.

Cost: $25
To register: Call Kim at 360-866-9234

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Cell Level Meditation Class

Cell Level Meditation

Saturday, May 9

Mind-body meditation is the current growing edge of modern health care. Cell Level Meditation, as developed by psychiatrist Barry Grundland over 40 years ago, is an easy-to-learn way of turning awareness deeply into ourselves, into our bodies, and finding who we are all the way down in our very cells. We breathe with the cells. We become the cells. We use something larger than ourselves—the breath—to bring awareness, healing and body all together.
Here, awareness is in dialogue with matter! This is not mind over matter, but rather mind and matter in conversation, in relationship with the high and holy goal of being in healed relationships within our own bodies, and then outward to other areas of life and each other. Come for an afternoon of learning, practice, renewal and inspiration. The class is limited to 10 participants.

Cell Level Meditation: Breathing with the Wisdom and Intelligence of the Cell by Patricia Kay and Dr. Barry Grundland will be available for $12.50 (please place your order prior to the class).

Cost: $60
To register: Send an e-mail to Patricia: with the title "Cell Level Meditation" in the subject line or call 360-866-6974.