Saturday, October 10
10am – 3pm
We will be exploring how to work with the movement of the planets in relationship to our natal charts. This will include how the inner planets trigger outer planet transits, the significance of the planetary cycles and looking at the current Saturn-Uranus-Pluto T-square and the Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune conjunction.
Prerequisite: Must have a working knowledge of the planets, signs and aspects. Must have had a professional astrology reading within the past five years. Must know what a transit is. Taught by astrologer Rosie Finn.
Rosie has been practicing astrology in Olympia since 1995. She draws on her experience as a research engineer and years of living in a yoga ashram. She spent two years studying physics in-depth with inventor Dan Dial. She has written an astrology workbook and teaches classes. She, along with herbalist Carol Trasatto, writes a monthly newsletter along with giving a popular monthly talk, called Plants & Planets.
Cost: $75
To register: Call Rosie at 360-866-6859.