Opening to the GreenWorld:
An Introduction to Herbal Medicine
An Introduction to Herbal Medicine
Wednesdays: April 22, 29; May 6, 13
This four-week class is for those who are eager to work with herbal medicine in their daily lives and are looking for a place to begin (or expand what they already do). We will address various ways to work with plants as medicine, creating a home apothecary, growing and harvesting your own medicine (beginning with beneficial ‘culinary’ herbs), making safe and effective herbal preparations, the interface between prescription drugs and herbs, quality and safety issues, selecting reliable herbal reference books, interpreting information on the internet and in the popular press, and much more. This class is designed so that participants walk away feeling confident in beginning to work with plants to promote the health of themselves and their families. Teas and samples will be experienced each session; many detailed handouts are provided. Taught by Carol Trasatto, herbalist.
Carol has been practicing the herbal arts for nearly 30 years and teaching for 20, bringing a wealth of practical knowledge to the learning experience.
Cost: $150
To register: Call Radiance at 360-357-5250
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