As the
plants flow with lifeforce, beautiful foods and medicines offer
themselves freely, many possessing a bitter edge. In our culture many
shy away from the bitter taste in favor of sweet or salty, in
particular. But all of the tastes have a role to play in health, and the
bitter may be one of the most necessary to bring balance in our culture
of excess. For many of us, regularly incorporating more bitter into our
days can have profoundly positive impacts. In this class we will
discuss the role of the bitter principle in maintaining healthful
weight, optimizing digestive function, supporting detoxification, much
more. We will taste and explore the virtues of some of our green allies
that offer bitter constituents and discuss how to work with them at home. Many of them can be found in our yards and gardens.
Instructor: Carol Trasatto, herbalist. Carol has been walking the
herbal path for more than 35 years and brings great respect and
appreciation for the intrinsic power of nature to heal. She has many
tales she could tell to honor the wisdom of plant medicine. Carol loves
teaching and writing and helping people skillfully embrace challenge and
transformation in their lives. Carol is the author of Conscious
Caregiving: Plant Medicine, Nutrition, Mindful Practices to Give Ease,
detailing extensive support for caregivers as well as their companions
going through intensive illness, medical treatments, or dying. She is
the herb team lead at Radiance. www.caroltrasatto.com
Cost: $33
Monday, April 4
To register, call Radiance or contact Carol to register online: info@caroltrasatto.com.
Class to be held at Radiance Herbs & Massage.
essences are a wonderful category of plant medicine, quite distinct from
essential oils with which they are often confused. Without scent and
gentle, they can be remarkably useful in helping to address emotional
patterns or tendencies. Join long-time Radiance staff herbalist Carol
Trasatto for an introduction to the basics of working with flower
essences effectively.
Saturday, April 2
Are you
ready to allow abundance and prosperity into your life? Abundance
includes all good things, money, happiness, positive experiences and
prospering in all areas of life. Learn how to release blocks that impede
your progress. Most people think that becoming more prosperous has to
do with external conditions. However, there is a spiritual secret …it
truly starts within you. In this two-part course you will learn: The
biggest blockages to abundance and how to overcome them; how your
childhood programming influences your ability to receive today; how your
core beliefs are influencing your life and what to do to shift
disempowering ones; how to call upon spiritual assistance and Prosperity
Guides; clutter-clearing methods for
abundance and flow; affirmations and visualizations for wealth and joy.
We will break for lunch. Please bring a notebook and pen
Lisa Holm. Intuitive Guide, Medium and Teacher, Lisa has been
empowering clients across the U.S. & internationally through
classes, clairvoyant counseling, intuitive readings, mediumship, animal
communication & spiritual healing since 2002. Lisa has studied with
medical intuitive Tina Zion, Hay House author and psychic medium John
Holland, and the Church of Religious Science. Lisa also teaches
Intuitive Development, Animal Communication and Mediumship Mentoring.
Website: www.lisaholm-psychic.com
Saturdays: April 2 and 9
Cost: $89 for both days
To register, call Lisa Holm at 360-786-8617 or email Lisa @lisaholm-psychic.com
Class will be held at Radiance Herbs & Massage.
Learn to use
a pendulum to test the health of your body, house, food and
environment. Dowsing is an ancient method for detecting subtle energies.
Like muscle testing, pendulum dowsing can give you information about
what foods you are allergic to, how fresh food is, whether food contains
contaminants, and if there are hidden ingredients. You can also dowse
for how healthy your organs are and what your body needs in order to
heal. You can detect mold spores in your house and dust mites in your
pillow. You can also test chakras for blocks and compromised energetic
patterns. Unlike muscle testing, dowsing offers a variety of patterns
that can communicate more information than just weak or strong, yes or
no. Pendulum dowsing is a highly useful tool for energy workers,
parents, massage therapists, and anyone concerned about their health.
Instructor: Amy Alison Taylor. Amy is a medical intuitive and empathic
healer with a healing practice in Olympia, WA. To find out more about
her, please visit her website, www.amyalisontaylor.wordpress.com, or her Facebook page [Awake Walking].
Tuesday, March 29
Cost: $20
To register, contact Amy Alison Taylor at awakewalking@gmail.com
Class will be held at Radiance Herbs & Massage.